A man sitting on top of a mountain looking at the river.

Creating Effectiveness, Pt. 2: Know Yourself

In Church Leadership, Church Strategy by Russ Olmon

Good leaders know their strengths and weaknesses. They appreciate their own worth. They have confidence in their ability. But while good leaders recognize and appreciate their strengths, they never ignore their limitations. Henry Kaiser, who built a vast industrial empire in the early 1900s, had this to say about his business organization:

‘I make progress by having people around me who are smarter than I am – and listening to them. And I assume that everyone is smarter about something than I am.’

Henry Kaiser

Leaders listen and learn. They continually work to develop and improve their skills. They recognize the importance of, and take responsibility for, their personal development.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is my church benefited by my strengths?
  • What can I do to improve those strengths?
  • How is my church affected by my limitations?
  • How can I compensate for my limitations to strengthen my church?

It’s only when you understand your personal strengths and limitations that you can see the gap between where you are now in your personal development and where you want to be. It’s only when you see that gap that you can take the steps necessary to close it.

When you’re taking positive steps to develop the characteristics you need to be a good leader, you will also improve your regard for yourself. This is important because your effectiveness as a leader will be impacted by your positive self-regard, and this provides the platform to create a sense of confidence and high expectations in others.

Developing the positive characteristics that attract others is an important part of developing your leadership potential. Your enthusiasm, your appreciation of others, your imagination, and willingness to change and learn will attract others. People love to be around others who make them feel good or add value to them.

Developing positive character traits that attract others to your vision is an important part of being a leader, but leaders expect even more. They expect you to be competent-to have the knowledge and skills that are needed to achieve the vision.

When you implement the systems your church needs to operate effectively and to take advantage of opportunities that come your way, your people see that you know what needs to be done to achieve your goals. This gives them the confidence they need to dedicate themselves to your vision.

Next month: Creating Effectiveness, Pt. 3 – Honor Failure

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