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How to hear God’s voice in your church’s strategic planning

In Ministry Coaching by Russ Olmon

It is important to recognize that in the final analysis, strategic planning in the church is a spiritual discipline of listening to God’s voice and intentional obedience to God’s direction for your church. In John 10:27 Jesus says that His sheep listen to His voice and follow Him. A few chapters later, Jesus likens our relationship to Him as that …

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The #1 reason churches resist change

In Church Strategy, Ministry Coaching by Russ Olmon

Resistance Is Inevitable Most pastors forget a critical principle of leading change: Church ministries don’t change; people do. We tend to think of our change initiatives in broad terms like, ‘We are redesigning the small group ministry.’ However, many of your leaders think of it differently. They may be wondering, ‘Do I keep ministering to my group or not?’ To …

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Delegation is critical when growing your church

In Church Strategy, Ministry Coaching by Russ Olmon

Delegation is not about ‘dumping’ tasks on others or about choosing the good projects for yourself and delegating the mundane or difficult. Delegation is about systematically assessing your work, identifying areas that can be done by others, and delegating in a systematic and process oriented manner. Delegation is more than a time management tool, it is also a motivational tool. …

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Are you a leader of leaders?

In Church Leadership, Ministry Coaching by Russ Olmon

Everything in your church succeeds or fails based on your ability to lead. There have been churches with everything going for them except good leadership that have failed miserably. There have been other churches with almost nothing going for them exceptgood leadership that have weathered difficult times and gone on to thrive and prevail. Nothing can make a church fail …

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Your church’s most valuable asset

In Church Leadership, Church Strategy by Russ Olmon

What is your church’s most valuable asset? Is it your unique style of ministry? Is it the cash you have in the bank? Is it your building or your physical resources such as computers, copiers, multi-media equipment, and materials? Is it your terrific location? Your most valuable asset is none of the above — it’s your people. Have you ever …

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Every pastor’s favorite task: Asking for money

In Church Finance, Church Leadership by Russ Olmon

I wanted to share some outstanding info/testimony about increasing giving in your church. I’ve known Brandon Cox since before he planted many years ago. Here’s Brandon’s input on the subject of raising money in your church… What’s the onesubject almost no church leader enjoys talking about? Yep, money. Talking about money feels icky. Asking for money makes us feel like …