Coach Certification

Welcome Future Coaches
Ministry Advantage has trained church pastors and ministry coaches worldwide for over two decades. We currently have 30+ trained coaches in the United States, 20+ in Canada, and 50+ in Australia. Our Board has invested over $2 million since 1998 in the research and development of Ministry Advantage, including our content and delivery systems. The result is our provenTurnkey Coaching System.
By leveraging the Ministry Advantage coaching system to become a certified coach, you can then use these proven methods to train your own church leadership team and pastors, facilitating the growth skills needed to increase church attendance and meet your growth goals.

Become a Ministry Advantage Certified Coach
Our Turnkey Coaching System certification program is a six-month process, consisting of four comprehensive phases:
Upon completion of these requirements, you will receive aCertificate of Graduationauthorizing you as a Certified Ministry Advantage Coach.

License the Ministry Advantage Coaching System
In addition to certifying individual coaches, we now license the Ministry Advantage coaching system to Denominations, Associations of churches, Networks, and Seminaries, as well as what we call ‘Independent Coaching Providers.’
When you license Ministry Advantage Turnkey Coaching System, you get full rights and access to our: website resources, webinars, workshop content, Coach Training System, leadership and support staff, and most importantly our quality ‘Brand’ and credibility in the Christian marketplace.
We advertise in national Christian magazines, Internet ads, blogs, social networking forums, denominational magazines, conferences, and we also cross-market through our outstanding partners.

Our coaching certification Partners
We treat all Ministry Advantage coaches as partners in ministry and as part of our coaching family. Our vision is to ‘Help Pastors and Churches Worldwide Turn Their Vision Into Reality‘. Our partners include: