Video Testimonials
"Ministry Advantage kept me in the game"
Feedback from leading pastors

Lee Powell
“Ministry Advantage has been a primary catalyst in helping us organize our church ministry for future growth. Every church, small, medium or large, would benefit from having a Ministry Advantage coach on the team.”
– Lee Powell, Senior Pastor, CedarCreek Church

Steve Stroope
“I’ve been involved with the leadership team of Ministry Advantage for years. These guys are experts at helping churches of all sizes maximize their potential.”
Steve Stroope, Senior Pastor, Lake Pointe Church

Darrell Griffin
“If you are a pastor or leadership team looking to turn your vision into reality, Ministry Advantage is the only coaching organization I would recommend. Ministry Advantage exceeded my expectations by their commitment to one-on-one coaching and teaching time-tested principles which produced positive results every time.”
– Darrell Griffin, Senior Pastor, Oakdale Covenant Church

Eric Geiger
“Ministry Advantage and the Simple Church movement are a perfect fit! I've partnered with this coaching ministry because they have the experience, skills, and tools to help churches implement the Simple Church strategy.”
– Eric Geiger, Author of Simple Church, Executive Pastor, Christ Fellowship

Tim Liston
“Our church has grown from 200 to over 6,000. Our infrastructure was cracking under the weight of that growth. I actually reached a point where I thought we were done. Not because I wanted to be, but because our structures couldn’t support any more growth. MA has helped to rearrange my thinking about systems and processes in the church. Now I’m confident there is no end to what God can do here!”
– Tim Liston, New Hope Church

Dr. Leland Eliason
“This is the most effective and practical leadership development available to help pastors in the trenches of day-to-day ministry.”
– Dr. Leland Eliason, Founding Dean, School of Ministry, Richmont Graduate University
The part I like best is that I'm doing less and enjoying ministry more. Your investments in me and my church has made my job as a pastor more rewarding and less confusing. I am more hopeful and excited about the future of my church. Thank you for hearing the call of God to help pastors.Mike Overpeck, Goshen, IN
The chairman of our Board of Elders told me that the money and time that we invested in Ministry Advantage Coaching has been the best use of our funds this year! Our church is having a greater missional impact on our community. My coach is great and has been very helpful in challenging me to "think outside the box" and then giving wise counsel about how to implement those new ideas. Dave Lind, Rutland, VT
Ministry Advantage has been a tremendous growing experience for me. Both the weekly coaching sessions and the workshops and have focused on improving the day-to-day life and impact of our church. My Coach has helped us on track so that our most critical plans are accomplished and not dropped by the wayside. I highly recommend Ministry Advantage Coaching! Tom Stoebig, Plymouth, MN
It’s the best investment a Board could ever make in their pastor and in their church. Randy Goldenberg, Frederick, MD
I am blessed beyond words. This is easily worth double what we spent for what we have received. Seeing our church so excited about what we are doing now is worth more than any amount of money. Right now I am living a pastor’s dream!Rick Hines, Manitowoc, WI
I knew once a week I’d be talking to my coach for an hour during which I could ask questions. My coach really took a genuine interest in me and the challenges our church was facing. The effectiveness of our church has risen dramatically because I have been able to take these principles and teach to them to my team leaders and ministry leaders. Our leaders have become more effective in doing what God has called us to do.Tim Liston, Pearland, TX
Ministry Advantage is the reason I stayed in pastoral ministry. I’ve felt called but unequipped to do lead my church. I would listen to a leadership tape and say, “I guess that I must just not have what it takes.” Ministry Advantage really taught me HOW to lead – it was an absolute answer to prayer!Joel Smith, Highspring, SC
Ministry Advantage Coaching has helped give me a new excitement and vision for where the church can go. I was becoming frustrated and was becoming fearful that I didn’t know how to lead the church to the next level. The coaching experience has given me a new sense of excitement because we now have the tools to lead lead our church into the future.Brian Kelly, McLane, VA
The time we’ve spent with the coach each week has been a great experience. We’ve been on a journey as a church going through a major transition this past year. I believe God sovereignly set up our relationship with our Coach. His insights and counsel at some critical points helped us contextualize our plans to our situation. Bruce Hoppe, Homewood, IL
The whole coaching experience overcame a lot of frustrations that I was experiencing that were even spilling over into my personal life. This experience has significantly lowered the frustration level in my life and moved me into the area of experiencing greater fruitfulness and fulfillment.Douglas Poole, Safety Harbor, FL
I had often heard in abstract the kind of leader that I needed to be. However, no one gave me the nuts and bolts of exactly how to do it. Ministry Advantage has given me a clear and specific plan for being the kind of pastor that I want to be. As we are growing in unity of purpose and implementing our plans more effectively God is using our church to impact our community more than ever.Kris Vos, Schererville, IN
Ministry Advantage is one of the few things I have done that has exceeded my expectations. I am grateful for the opportunity.Paul Taylor, Broken Arrow, OK
Last year after attending a leadership conference I started praying that God would give me the ability to grow as a leader. Well, God answered through Ministry Advantage Coaching. For the first time we have begun to ‘put teeth’ into our sense of mission. The other pastors on my team love the new ‘intentionality’. Thank you Ministry Advantage! It is unfortunate that I went through all my education and many years of ministry experience and never had a coach until now! How can we expect our churches to change their communities and the world if our pastors have not received this kind of coaching?Robert Tarnoviski, Philadelphia, PA
I would urge any pastor do whatever it takes to engage Ministry Advantage Coaching. It’s been the most valuable training I’ve ever been through.Steve Phillips, Irvine, CA
Before we started the program, we were a committee run church. Today, we are transitioning into a team-based concept of ministry, which is allowing us to be much more effective. I’ve been to a number of conferences that have given me a sense of what needs to be done, but I’ve not had a tool like this to help me implement those ideas in the past.Thane Thompson, Battle Creek, MI
I don't think I could have continued to lead the church without the ministry of Ministry Advantage Coaching.Will Davis, Jr., Austin, TX
The workshops and phone coaching sessions put me in connection with others who are in situations similar to mine. Our accountability to each other is so important, so helpful. And now I have a track to run on – I don’t have to start everything from scratch.Brad Moore, Florence, WI
Ministry Advantage has created a new understanding of an already existing vision we had for our church. God blessed me when He connected me to Ministry Advantage!Ron McCormick, Woodbridge, VA
Thank you for helping me think and then apply. I can never go back. I love you guys. We need to teach this to pastors everywhere. The churches we serve will be able to bear more fruit for the glory of God.Clement Walschauser, Joliet, IL
I found the interaction to be a time of personal encouragement that spurred me on during challenging times. The support and experience of my coach was most valuable.Mark Watkins, New Brighton, MN
Ministry Advantage has given me direction and guidance to enable me to lead my church into the future with confidence that I am prepared for future growth!Doug Bullock, Manlius, NY
I began Ministry Advantage training and coaching literally three days after I began the ministry I am in now. The resources I still continually reference combined with the coaching I received was incredibly valuable. We would not be where we are as a church today if it were not for that training, coaching and encouragement.Kenny Mulligan, Cortland, NY
The way in which I am able to process on a consistent basis the things I am learning with my coach, and the ability I have to honestly interact with someone who is objective and has the Kingdom of God and not any other subjective issues as their primary concern... is critical and immeasurably helpful! Vincent Rife, Tinton Falls, NJ
I am spending less time on systems and more time on the areas in which I am most gifted; these are things which led me to enter the ministry in the first place! I continue to marvel at what a gift my coaching experience was and continues to be!Frank Boswell, Hunt Valley, MD
My coach helped me navigate a method of leading that makes appropriate use of each of my leadership style.Pat Krause, Roseau, MN
I'm a poster child for Ministry Advantage. I had been in our boardroom by myself on my knees saying "God, here are the things you know I need. I don't think I'm the guy to do this anymore because I don't know how to lead this church to the next level."Brad Davis, Shelbyville, IN
The program is not a like a “drive-by-seminar” where you get the next great idea and pursue it until the next great idea at another seminar. They stay with you. They coach you through the principles and your questions and problems. I would encourage any church board to invest in their pastor. Their church will be better for it.Lee Giermann, Covington, WA
The coaching helped our church develop new strategies and, more importantly, my coach helped me stay on track in implementing those strategies. My coach also helped us think creatively in addressing strategic issues as well as giving us access to sample approaches from other churches.Willy Reimer, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I have never gone through any training that has had a more profound impact on my ministry. The information I learned can't be beat, and combining that with the coaching calls makes Ministry Advantage a home run for any pastor! My coach has helped me to take what I learned and apply it in our unique context. Any pastor who learns this valuable information and applies it to his/her church will never be the same.Ben Dale, Minnetonka, MN
The biggest thing I learned in Ministry Advantage was how to start designing ministry instead of just doing ministry. This would have been totally impossible without Ministry Advantage Coaching.Jay Perry, Wichita, KS
My coach was the best. He took my church and me on a great journey of discovery.Art Lenon, Sparks, NV
Ministry Advantage has given me a renewed vision for ministry and a plan to lead God's church to greater fruitfulness. It's better than any doctoral program out there!Dave Kennedy, Franktown, CO
If you are comfortable in your role as pastor and do not want change, then do not enroll in Ministry Advantage. But if you want to see your church begin to be all that Christ wants it to be and make a difference for Jesus in your community then Ministry Advantage will help you.Bob Brauer, Brainerd, MN
One of the differences I see in me is that I’m not as quick to jump into a ministry situation, solve a problem or start a new ministry as I was in the past. I am learning the art of working through other leaders and coaching them so they can build and grow their ministries.Andy Sytsma, Haledon, NJ
I am much more secure in my leadership because of Ministry Advantage.Patrick Norris, Overland Park, KS
We had our first service in our new building yesterday. I am thankful to Ministry Advantage and my coach for helping us get to this point.Mark Chitwood, Omaha, NE
My coach has helped me and our ministry immeasurably. I went from being a church planter afraid that I had built a ministry that I was no longer capable of leading, to becoming a pastor looking forward to leading the church I planted for years to come. Thanks so much for the experience and journey of Ministry Advantage, I recommend your ministry to every pastor I meet.Rick Schwab, Lapeer, MI
Our leadership team was struggling with how to take our church plant to then next level. We had grown from four people in a basement start up to over 150, but we sensed God was asking us to reach even more people. I had two of my team with me on the weekly phone calls to our coach. We got permission to tape the sessions and shared them with the other team members. This was huge for us because we were able to learn together and see the benefits of each change we made. The Ephesians 4 command to equip the saints for the work of the ministry has never been so clear.Jim Gaull, Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Ministry Advantage was a great thing for our church, and it was the coach who kept us on task. His faithful calls and wise counsel were priceless.Doug Green, Cloquet, NM
Ministry Advantage has given me a management system to use to guide and align our church. Personally, it has been a real source of personal growth; it is so easy at times to coast. Now, I have focus as well as our staff and the leadership of the church. As a result our people have benefited much.Robert Claxton, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Ministry Advantage has helped pave a pathway to clarity about our purpose, simplifying structure, and hiring with more wisdom.Paul Eckdahl, Minneapolis, MN
Having a Ministry Advantage coach provided the accountability I needed to follow through on doing strategic planning and working on implementation of those plans.Tyrone Perkins, Trenton, NJ
My coach was helpful in breaking things down and keeping me accountable. The resources have been huge too! I have had some of my Modules open today as a resource for planning, etc. for the next season of ministry.Mike Henderson, Charlottesville, VA
Having a M.A. coach helped me to do some of the things that I naturally put off. The coaching sessions were encouraging, helpful, and gave me that little bit of accountability pressure to get some things done and keep some things moving.Larry Willman, St. Paul, MN
I use the skills and the content from Ministry Advantage every single day.Dave Hensleigh, Champaign, IL
Getting involved in Ministry Advantage is one of the best investments I've ever made in the ministry. It helped bring together for me, and my church, what would have taken me "years" to accomplish; or maybe never at all!Dave McBroom, Covington, WA