About Us

Inspiring passionate ministry is our passion
Ministry Advantage was created to assist pastors in developing the skills necessary to lead their church to its full potential through pastor coaching. Therefore, we take a personal interest in the success of every pastor and church we work with through church training processes. Our job is not done until we truly make a difference.
For over 20 years, Ministry Advantage has provided pastor coaching and church training worldwide to help leaders turn their vision into reality. Our proven approach utilizes the combined synergy of personal and customized coaching, contextualized ministry development strategies and systems, and a series of workshops, webinars, and conference calls conducted by experienced and accomplished church leaders.

Training Programs That Grow Your Ministry
Ministry Advantage was created to assist pastors in developing the skills necessary to lead their church to its full potential through pastor coaching. Therefore, we take a personal interest in the success of every pastor and church we work with through church training processes. Our job is not done until we truly make a difference.
For over 20 years, Ministry Advantage has provided pastor coaching and church training worldwide to help leaders turn their vision into reality. Our proven approach utilizes the combined synergy of personal and customized coaching, contextualized ministry development strategies and systems, and finally a series of workshops, webinars, and conference calls conducted by experienced and accomplished church leaders.

Mission, vision and values: What we stand for
Our mission is to help pastors worldwide lead their churches to greater effectiveness in achieving their missional purposes.
Our vision is to see every church worldwide reach their maximum impact for Christ.
Our values are woven into every training and coaching program we undertake:

Our Team
Ministry Advantage was founded by people dedicated to helping pastors and church leaders develop organizational leadership processes to create effective churches. The group includes developers of a business coaching process that mentors business owners. Additionally, various high-impact church leaders have shaped the development of Ministry Advantage.
Learn more about the Ministry Advantage team.

Our History
Curriculum development and testing for Ministry Advantage began in 1996. During the development stage, we conducted focus groups with senior pastors around the country, undertook a market research project with 2,500 senior pastors, and tested the program with numerous trial churches. From 1998 to 2000, the 40 churches enrolled in the initial pilot program gave Ministry Advantage rave reviews.
Ministry Advantage, Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and received its 501(c)3 non-profit status in 1999. Its development phase was funded by charitable contributions and its ongoing operations are funded primarily by service revenue. We have also established strategic partnerships with national ministry development organizations such as Willow Creek Association, Bethel Seminary and Insights International.